Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jamming Session 19 Oct 2008 (cont'd)

We (my kiddo and I) arrived PJ around 4:30PM, just in time when the rain 'decided' to pour. Sigh! Good thing my kid woke up when I turned in to Section 14 (yes, I carried her from home when she's still sleeping).

The practice was good, but my attention was divided into a zillion - my kid and the whole batalion of crankiness and naughtiness she brought along with her; and the band...

One minute, I had to carry my kid while playing, another minute I had to feed her in between the songs and during the songs, at one time I had to feed myself (because I suddenly felt hungry due to stress and lack of caffein dose of the day), at another time my kid want this and that and this...

I thought I was the only one stressed up, my lead keyboardist had a huge word of "STRESS" written on his head, too! Hahaha!! Well, that's what happened if we pull everyone out from the comfort of home on Sundays, eh? ;-)

We had a few rounds of practices on some songs:
1. "Joget Kenangan Manis" (me as lead keys) - which I 'destroyed' the solo parts due to my 'amnesia', oh dear!
2. "You're The One that I Want" (me as second keys) - which I finally got the hang of, got ideas how to play and back up the singers with my synth brass tone.
3. "Kenanganku" (me as second keys) - 'hentam saja la labuuuuu...' because I wasn't playing during the previous practice of this song.
4. "Celebration" (me as second keys) - this is nice, and the parts are very clear, even had ideas on how to play the triplets to make it sound continuous with the lead keys.

Almost forgot to mention... We had a new male vocalist for yesterday's practice, Arida, and a new rhythm (or is it bass?) guitarist, JimBob. Welcome to the band of brothers, bros!

And no, I did not record any audio yesterday. I didn't feel like carrying my laptop AND my kid AND my bag AND my keys AND... (myself?) on Sunday some more!

Good practice boosts confidence in everyone involved,
- Shazz @ DCmates
20 Oct 2008

1 comment:

amran said...

hehe actually a bassman..but since shadat got a "HUGE FUCKIN'" bass which is 6 strings anyway i might jus let him do the stuff..which is more than enuff i n kent is just fooling around just like kids in our past days..kinda deja vu..anyway nice knowing u..visit my blog of darkness sometimes k?