Event: Old Boys Weekend
Venue: Hargreaves Hall, Malay College Kuala Kangsar
Date: 19 April 2008
Time: 9:00PM - 12:00AM
Aza on lead, Mihad on rhythm, Pe'ah on bass, Wieburn on drums, Shazz on keys, and Sapet on vocal

It's DCmates' second live performance in front of big audience, and it's my first performance with DCmates.
Nervous s*** I tell ya! Long time never performed, I almost forgot I'm the panic type. :-S Only my bf knew I was nervous before the show, and his well wishes via SMS weren't enough to warm me up from the cold-feet! Huu huu...
None of the band members knew I was nervous, and I'm not quite sure why I didn't tell them. Hhmm... Probably because I saw them in their own 'stress-relief' mode themselves that I felt I didn't want to trouble them with mine! Hahaha...
Anyway, all went well. As I thought, I missed quite a number of notes, but luckily I didn't go 'blank-minded' in the mid of the performance as how it always happened during practices and rehearsal. It's an improvement enough, eh! I thought my keyboard was blasting loud, so I was quite shy with my notes. Only after the show I was told that Aza's amp was so loud that it swallowed my keys, and I said, "THANK GOD!!" Hahaha...!!!
After the show, Mihad asked me, "Shazz! You panic, ek?" Of course, Bro! Nervous wreck case, dude! :-<
As a result, we received compliments such as, "Good show!", "Best performance", and "That Sussana song kept on playing in my ears in my sleep last night!" Wow! Good impression, eh? ;-)
Of course, there are other comments such as the lead guitar was too loud and the keyboard was barely heard, etc. Hey, what do you expect when you get a 'female keyboardist'? Of course 'shy' la... female, ma! Hehehe... :D
End of chapter one - OBW Concert @ Hargreaves Hall.
PS: There are more shows coming up soon...
Mommie @ Rock,
- Shazz @ DCmates
24 Apr 2008